
Topic: Unity 3D Plugin

Download database in unitypackage file (SOLVED)

Nikolai Basharin
Monday, October 28, 2019

In your tutorial you write "Local markers can be created and downloaded as .unitypackage files from the developer web app then you have to import the unitypackage inside unity."

I added markers, but I can't find a way to get .unitypackage file... There are no download button. Does your web app works? An how can I get markers in project?

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Support Team  (expert)
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

In order to download markers the marker database need to be a local one, not a cloud one (on database creation there is a tickbox to select if you want to create a cloud database or not).
Each marker has a download button to the left of the save and delete buttons which allows you to download the marker file for native apps or a unity package file with the marker data for the unity plugin.


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