Release notes
Jun 24, 2019
Update version 3.5.8:
Unity Plugin
- Updated everything to support latest Unity versions
- Added support for newest phones (both Apple and Android) and cameras.
- AR Video now uses native Unity player, runs on 64bit devices.
- Various bugfixes.
- Added new AR Tech, called AR Discover (Tutorial soon to follow)
- Network code redone, removed dependencies to deprecated network code.
- Added support for newest phones
- Various bugfixes.
- Added new AR Tech, called AR Discover (Tutorial soon to follow)
iOS Recognition
- Added support for newest phones
- Various bugfixes.
- Added new AR Tech, called AR Discover (Tutorial soon to follow)
Jun 04, 2018
Update version 3.5.2:
Unity Plugin, Android and iOS Recognition
- Corrected small bug with pose smoothing.
Apr 03, 2018
Pikkart 3.5 released!
- Better device camera management.
- The camera image presented is now HD.
- Internal code moved to c++14/17 and libc++(on Android).
- Greatly reduced processing lag.
- Various internal improvements to stability and speed.
Geo Augmented Reality
- Better integration with the recognition module (both component are now integrated inside the same Fragment/Activity/Controller).
- Geo AR uses an improved algorithm.
- Maps can be disabled by developers.
Tutorials and Samples
- Visit our GitHub profile, you'll find lots of new sample projects
- We have also added new tutorials for Xamarin NuGet Package
Dec 18, 2017
Update version 3.1.5:
Unity Plugin
- Fixed an iOS deployment bug.
Dec 07, 2017
Update version 3.1.3:
Unity Plugin
- Fixed a tracking bug.
Nov 28, 2017
Update version 3.1.2:
Android and iOS Recognition, Unity Plugin
- Fixed tracking bug.
Nov 20, 2017
Update version 3.1.1:
iOS Geolocation
- Fixed Geo Markers position in the Augmented View.
Nov 09, 2017
Pikkart 3.1 released!
Android and iOS Recognition
- Improved detection performance on markers with text
- Fixed some autofocus bug on some Sony devices
Android and iOS Geolocation
- Improved localization allowing develoers to extend and customize text messages.
Unity plugin
- General bug fixes.
Oct 31, 2017
Pikkart 3.0 released!
Android and iOS Recognition
- Added AR Logo feature
- Improved detection performance on several Android devices through camera calibration
- Solved an iOS issue about marker loading
- Solved an issue about watermark display
Android Geolocation
- Solved an issue that locked the starting location of the map
- Improved performances.
- Solved an issue on Android geolocation that caused crash when the target device has only a part of the required sensors.
- Solved some an issue on MarkerViewAdapter constructor about height and width parameters settings.
Unity plugin
- We have modified the PikkartARCamera prefab, adding a GameObject (aptly named "CameraGameObject") which reflect the position and orientation of the AR camera in the AR world. If you want to add AR elements with a fixed position with respect to the AR camera simply add them as child of this GameObject.
- We have added better debug messages if the developer forget to add a valid license or is running the app in trial mode. The messages are now correctly displayed also on mobile platform, not only in the Unity editor as before.
- Solved some issues that caused crash on Android application pause in Unity plugin
iOS Geolocation
- Solved an iOS missing call to the PKTIArGeoListener.onMapOrCameraClicked method.
- Solved wrong iOS PKTGeoElement augmented reality positioning.
May 09, 2017
Pikkart 3.0 beta released!
We released a new beta version of our Augmented Reality Software Development Kit.
Download the trial Now!
- Various powerfull improvements to the marker recognition and tracking algorithm.
- New and improved marker model: faster detection, improved multi-scale detection, improved detection for all image classes (from drawings, hand-made drawings and schemas to photos and more).
- Improved and faster tracking.
- Upgrade notes: version 3.0 works with a different marker type and it's not compatible with previous markers. If you upgrade your apps from a previous SDK version you have to change the marker type of all your markers.
February 24, 2017
Pikkart 2.6 released!
We released a new public version of our Augmented Reality Software Development Kit.
Download the trial Now!
- Various improvements to the Geo Augmented Markers for Android and iOS:
- Added MarkerViewAdapter class in Android and PKTMarkerViewAdapter class in iOS to customize the marker's render both in map and in augmented view.
- Memory optimization to the Geo Augmented Markers for Android to increase the maximum number of markers.
- Several fixes for Android 7 devices.
- Added Xamarin tutorial about implementing Geo Augmented Markers feature for Android and iOS
January 30, 2017
Update version 2.5.5:
Performance improvements to the Unity plugin
Solved some issues related to the syncronization of processing and rendering on Unity
Solved a few issues related to the Unity projection matrix and the device aspect ratio.
TAP_TO_SCAN bug fix in Unity plugin.
Download the trial Now!
December 7, 2016
Pikkart 2.5 released!
We released the third public version of our Augmented Reality Software Development Kit.
Download the trial Now!
- Various improvements to the Unity plugin
- Better real-time scene debugging in the Unity Editor.
- Added a simple prefab for cloud markers.
- Added an AR Movie Player and a prefab for the movie AR object (see our tutorial here).
- Added a few new options to the inspector of our markers and camera prefabs.
- Added Xamarin support (the SDK can be found on the Xamarin Components website)
- Pikkart AR SDK is now availabe as a nuget package on
- Some fix to the geo-location based AR component on iOS
October 18, 2016
Pikkart 2.0 released!
We released the second public version of our Augmented Reality Software Development Kit.
Download the trial Now!
- Augmented Geo Markers
Now you can create geolocation-based AR with our SDK! Fully integrated with Google Maps on both Android and iOS. - Improved scene preview for the Unity Editor Plugin (both for Windows and Apple Mac OS X)
you can now preview your Unity AR scenes directly in the editor, with functional marker detection and tracking.
Several bug fixes.
September 9, 2016
PikkartAR 1.0 is here!
It's an exiciting time here at Pikkart, the first public release of our Augmented Reality Software Development Kit is here! Download the trial Now!
- Cloud based image recognition service and API:
Pikkart's Cloud Recognition service is our amazing cloud-based service which uses Pikkart's proprietary technology to recognizes images sent from Android and iOS apps using our SDK or our public REST-like API. Blindingly fast, precise, and scalable to giant image databases, with a powerfull yet simple web based management application. - Natural marker detection and tracking:
A fast,stable and computationally inexpensive on-device detection and tracking system of natural images, based on Pikkart's patented tracking technology and natively developed for Android and iOS for ARM and x86, and their 32bit and 64bit variants.
Get a free trial
If you sign in for FREE you'll get access to a free trial license download, that allow you to try all SDK features like the Cloud Recognition Service.
In Tutorial section you will find tutorials and sample codes for Android, iOS and Unity plugin, that enable you to deploy your first app in a very fast way.