
Topic: Android SDK

video and buttons with custom data

simone struffoli
Sunday, January 28, 2018

I want to realize an app that recognizes markers and show video and buttons links to related contents.
Can I create buttons (like link to web pages) using the custom data of the markers and placing it around the video?

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Support Team  (expert)
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

our SDK do not offer an automatic procedure to automatically create buttons or other interactive functions. You can use the custom data to store information (like a json-formatted text for example) that will be parsed by your code to create custom UI menus on top of the augmentation.
The markerFound callback of the IRecognitionListener interface that is usually implemented by the app's main activity is called every time a marker is detected; the marker object passed to it has a function (getCustomData()) that can be used to retrieve the custom data field.
Best regards,

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