
Topic: Xamarin component

Change marker and show distance to marker

Sergio Serrano Hernández
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Good morning, I need help with 2 specific things.
The first is that I have 4 different types of markers and I need to show the images of the marker according to the corresponding one.
I need to show the distance to the marker and they only appear in a range of 1km. I was seeing a comment asking for the same, but the example did not work for me because it was not for Xamarin.
I am using the latest version of the Xamarin component, developing for Android and IOS.
Beforehand thank you very much.

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Support Team  (expert)
Monday, November 27, 2017

you can use the third parameter of the GeoElement constructor to define a "category". In your custom MarkerViewAdapter you can check the category to change the icon.
For example in android:

protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

MyMarkerViewAdapter arMyMarkerViewAdapter = new MyMarkerViewAdapter(this, 51, 73);
MyMarkerViewAdapter mapMyMarkerViewAdapter = new MyMarkerViewAdapter(this, 30, 43);

InitGeoFragment(arMyMarkerViewAdapter, mapMyMarkerViewAdapter);

List<GeoElement> geoElementList = new List<GeoElement>();
geoElementList.Add(new GeoElement(loc1, "1", "category_one"));
geoElementList.Add(new GeoElement(loc2, "2", "category_one"));
geoElementList.Add(new GeoElement(loc3, "3", "category_two"));
geoElementList.Add(new GeoElement(loc4, "4", "category_two"));
geoElementList.Add(new GeoElement(loc5, "5", "category_three"));
geoElementList.Add(new GeoElement(loc6, "6", "category_three"));
geoElementList.Add(new GeoElement(loc7, "7", "category_four"));
geoElementList.Add(new GeoElement(loc8, "8", "category_four"));

private class MyMarkerViewAdapter : MarkerViewAdapter
public MyMarkerViewAdapter(Context context, int width, int height) : base(context, width, height)

public override View GetView(GeoElement p0)
ImageView imageView = (ImageView)MarkerView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.image);
if (p0.Name.Equals("category_one"))
else if (p0.Name.Equals("category_two"))
else if (p0.Name.Equals("category_three"))
else if (p0.Name.Equals("category_four"))
return MarkerView;

public override View GetSelectedView(GeoElement p0)
ImageView imageView = (ImageView)MarkerView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.image);
if (p0.Name.Equals("category_one"))
else if (p0.Name.Equals("category_two"))
else if (p0.Name.Equals("category_three"))
else if (p0.Name.Equals("category_four"))
return MarkerView;
then to show the markers within a certain radius you can use the OnGeoLocationChanged callback calculating the distance from the input location:
public override void OnGeolocationChanged(Location p0)

float distanceInMeters = p0.DistanceTo(mLocation1);
You can also change the position update parameters
SetLocationUpdateParameters(long minTime, float minDistance);


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