Topic: Xamarin component
Hi Team,
how do we build a personal monkey.json file and also the image use to build the AR head?
the monkey is the default blender model, imported in MeshLab and exported as json.
for instance I want to display but a car instead of the head how do I proceed to get the .png of my 3D image and the corresponding .json file
The renderer in the tutorials is a simplified one used for testing and for easy display of content.
It can render objects with a single mesh and a single materia plus a single UV backed texture.
So once you have your 3D model of a car (made of a single mesh and a single UV backed texture) you need to import that model in MeshLab ( and export it in JSON format. You can then put the json mesh and the png texture in the app asset and load it using the class:
ih the ARRenderer class you need to add a new member variable for your car object
private Mesh carMesh = null;and for example in the onSurfaceCreated create and load the new mesh
carMesh = new Mesh();assuming you exported your car model as car.json and car.png texture.
carMesh.InitMesh(context.getAssets(),"media/car.json", "media/car.png");
Then you can draw it in the onDrawFrame function of the same class as per the tutorial.
Support Team.
How do I proceed to get the .png file that have a view of all the part of my 3D model?
the texture is created through a process usually referred to baking, a fairly common process used in the CG and video game development communities to create efficient low size 3D models of objects with as many detail as possible baked on a texture. It largely depends on the computer graphic and 3D modeling software you're using, Blender for example has a very good and fairly easy baking tool (
Support Team
I have created the texture png file, but I could not save the created file, it is created through using blender tool.
You mean saving the baked texture in blender?
If you switch the main view to "UV/Image Editor" an "Image" menu should appear with a "Save Image" function. Or you can just press F3 with your image showing in "UV/Image Editor" mode.