
Topic: iOS SDK

Problem migrate from trial to payed license (SOLVED)

Renaud Vernet
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

We encounter problem to change to licence from trial to our payed license.
We develop our app with trial license and trial cloud marker, Everything works like a charm.
But when we change our license file, bundle ID and database name, everything goes wrong :
Cloud search not found markers, we have error : errore durante comunicazione con server = e codice errore = 2000
Afler a few scan, app freeze and not work at all.
We don't find what goes wrong.
Thanks for your help

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Support Team  (expert)
Monday, October 30, 2017

we are sorry for the inconvenience during your cloud license activation.
You can use your cloud now, we moved the expiration date to the first of december.
Best regards,

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