
Topic: Xamarin component

Translate info messages (SOLVED)

Bastian Buchholz
Monday, August 7, 2017


is it possible to translate the info messages displayed by pikkart?
For example the "enable GPS location" message?



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Support Team  (expert)
Monday, August 7, 2017

Hi, yes, you can modify default messages, to do so, you can include these strings with the value you want in the strings.xml file and the various translation files:

<string name="unusable_sensors_message">your_string</string>

<string name="searching_for_position">your_string</string>
<string name="provider_disabled">your_string</string>
<string name="activate_provider">your_string</string>
<string name="settings">your_string</string>

  • unusable_sensors_message: this string is used when the smartphone does not have the sensors needed to show augmented reality.
  • searching_for_position: this string is used when the device is getting the user's location.
  • provider_disabled: this string is the title of the alert dialog that informs the user that the gps or network are off.
  • activate_provider: this string is the alert dialog message that informs the user that the gps or network are disabled.
  • settings: this string is the button name that refers to the device settings.


Bastian Buchholz
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Thanks, it worked.
Maybe it would be good to add it to the documentation? Or did I miss it?

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