How many apps can I develop per license?
The license fee applies to each app. For example, if you plan to publish your ABC app on both iOS and Android you will require ONLY a license.
What operating systems does the Pikkart SDK support?
The Pikkart SDK supports iOS and Android.
We also provide extensions to Xamarin with Pikkart AR SDK Xamarin component and Nuget package.
How many cloud markers can I host with a Cloud Plan?
We have some license plan that you can choose. If you sign up you will have access to a Trial plan that enable you to upload up to 50 cloud markers. See Cloud Recognition page for more informations.
How do I get started?
The first step is to download our SDK and to register your FREE account. You’ll then have access to Pikkart tools to manager your markers and download the free trial license of the Pikkart AR SDK.
How do I get the license key?
Once you have registered, you will able to download a trial license from your Control Panel, in the Apps and Licenses web page.
If you need a commercial license, you have to order it at Pikkart AR SDK web page. We will contact you back for the payments informations. After the payments we will provide the license, that you will able to download from the App and Licenses web page.
Can my app use multiple cloud databases?
Yes, you can create unlimited cloud databases.
If I need to manage 1,000,000 markers could you provide a custom plan for my project?
Yes, please contact us describe your requirements.
How can I create and show 3D contents?
You can create your 3D contents with Unity3D, or you can use OpenGL ES 2.0 to do the basic rendering or build complex 3D environments, with or without a 3D engine.