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Unity 3D Plugin

Welcome to PIKKART AR SDK®. This document is designed to help you in your very first steps with our SDK plugin for Unity3D  for developing your augmented reality project. Our plugin is designed to work with Unity3D  5+ up till 5.5 and support both iOS and Android. 

The first step needed to run our plugin requires you to download and install the latest version of Unity and to set it up to develop project for either iOS or Android or both. The Unity manual has in depth details on how to do just that (here and here).

Once the Unity editor is fully set up, create a new project for your AR app.

  1. Switch build platform to the one you want to build your app for (i.e. Android or iOS). Go to File->Build Settings, select the preferred platform and click the bottom left button (Switch Platform).
  2. Go to Assets->Import Package->Custom Package and import the provided unity packate PikkartAR.unitypackage (usually found inside <sdk root>/Unity/)
  3. In the editor project browser go to Assets/PikkartAR/Prefabs and add the PikkartARCamera to the scene and make it the main player camera.
  4. You can set-up the recognition storage (either LOCAL or GLOBAL, meaning either on-device image recognition or cloud marker recognition), the recognition mode (TAP-TO-SCAN or CONTINUOUS) and the CRS database ids (for cloud based image recognition). All these options are available at the bottom of the inspector when you select PikkartARCamera in your scene.
  5. To add local markers, simply import the associated unity package. For example import the SampleMarkers.unitypackage from the SDK samples provided with the SDK package (usually located inside <sdk root>/unity_markers/).
  6. Now add a marker prefab to the scene, select it, in the inspector click Import Markers to update some SDK internals, and select the associated marker id from the drop down menu.
  7. Now you can simply add your 3d objects and stuff you want to associate to the marker as child of that marker in the scene hierarchy.
  8. For more advanced use cases you can modify the MainScript.cs file (inside UserScripts dir) and extend the MarkerObject.cs script, this will be explained in the Unity tutorial section.