Manages the recognition pipeline.
void | DisableRecognition () |
| DISABLE the recognition pipeline entirely.
void | EnableRecognition () |
| ENABLE the recognition pipeline.
boolean | IsRecognitionEnabled () |
| IS the recognition pipeline enabled.
| RecognitionManager (Context context, Fragment fragment, AssetManager amngr, boolean load_markers) |
| Constructor: requires main activity, parent fragment, asset manager and whatever or not to load markers on startup.
| RecognitionManager (Context context, Fragment fragment, AssetManager amngr) |
| Constructor: requires main activity, parent fragment, asset manager.
void | scheduleTimers () |
| Schedule MAIN_INTERVAL and SERVER_RESPONSE_INTERVAL timers stop recognition at the end of the timers.
void | stopTimers () |
| Cancel MAIN_INTERVAL and SERVER_RESPONSE_INTERVAL timers. Usually done on a succesfull cloud recognition.
void | startRecognition (RecognitionOptions recognitionOptions, final IRecognitionListener recognitionListener) |
| Start the recognition process. More...
void | forceMarkerSearch (String markerId) |
| Force the system to search fon a specific marker only. Also stop recognition of new markers. As only the selected marker is tracked and detected.
void | changeRecognitionOptions (RecognitionOptions recognitionOptions) |
| Change recognition options.
void | stopRecognition () |
| Stop recogniton.
void | localMarkerFound (String markerId) |
| Callback from the recognition system. A local(or cloud) markers has been found.
void | localMarkerNotFound () |
| no one of the locally saved markers has found something, call the cloud recognition service if it was activated.
void | markerTrackingLost (String markerId) |
| Just lost tracing of the current marker.
void | markerEngineToUpdate (String markerId) |
| this app recognition engine is too old for the selected marker.
void | ARLogoFound (String markerId, int code) |
| ARLogo succesfullt found with code.
void | getMarkerCallback ( marker) |
| callback from the cloud/DB system on marker data get.
void | getCameraParamCallback (double[] params) |
| callback from the camera parameter async request to the cloud.
void | findMarkerCallback ( marker) |
| callback from the cloud recognition service on succesfull cloud recognition.
void | findSimilarMarkerCallback (String[] markersId) |
boolean | isConnectionAvailable (Context context) |
| check if connection is available. The actual check is not implemented here, we ask the recognition listener to check it for us. The SDK user will have to provide his own implementation.
void | loadLocalMarkersOnStartup (boolean isRecognitionManagerRunning) |
| Load and save locally all the markers located in the app apk assets folder.
void | close () |
| force exit activity.
void | closeWithAlert () |
| force exit activity.
| CameraManager (Fragment parent) |
| Constructor.
boolean | isRecognitionRunning () |
| To be overridden by derivative classes (i.e. RecognitionManager)
void | onPreviewFrame (byte[] data, Camera camera) |
| callback from the camera on a new frame capture
void | onCreate () |
| on app onCreate create buffers, surfaceTetures etc... App onCreate need to be forwarded here
boolean | onTouch (View v, MotionEvent event) |
| app onTouch App onTouch need to be forwarded here
void | onResume () |
| app onResume: open and init camera App onResume need to be forwarded here
void | onDestroy () |
| app onDestroy: destroy buffers App onDestroy need to be forwarded here
void | onPause () |
| app onPause: stop camera preview and release resources App onPause need to be forwarded here
boolean | enableTorch () |
| Turn on the torch of the device. More...
boolean | disableTorch () |
| Turn off the torch of the device. More...
void | setFocusMode (String mode) |
| Set the selected focus mode for the camera if available for the device. More...
String | getFocusMode () |
| Retrieve the currently set focus mode. More...