
Topic: iOS SDK

Cannot see any GeoMarker

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I'm running the "GeoAgumentedMarker" code to evaluate the capability of the tool,
but after added several additional "PKTGeoElement" to the "pointOfInterests" array, I don't see any marker on the camera.
I've created a small function to add some points near to my current location.
Checking the debugger there is a recurrent message like that:

SDKSampleiOS_GeoAugmentedMarker[7898:1398820] Could not load the "default.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.pikkart.trial"

Can you help me to see some marker near my current position?

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Support Team  (expert)
Monday, May 18, 2020

please verify that inside your Xcode project the PKTGeoMain.bundle is correctly added. You could find bundle inside pikkartARGeo framework. PKTGeoMainController uses some resources (as default.png image) to display the default marker for geo localized point of interests.
Kind Regards

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