
Topic: Unity 3D Plugin

Unable to find PikkartARCore

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

I imported the Unity plugin and when running the Demo Application I can see in the logs the error message "Unable to find PikkartARCore". Also my markers are not recognized but they are loaded (see that in the logs too).
Can anyone help here?
Many thanks in advance!

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Support Team  (expert)
Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hi Anna,
Which version of the SDK are you using? 2.6 or 3.0RC5?
Which version of Unity are you using? 32 or 64 bit?
Which devices are you using?

Make sure to download the trial license file and add it to the project inside the StreamingAssets folder
(you can download the license file from , sign in and go to Control Panel -> Apps and Licenses)

Make sure your package name / bundle id is correctly set in the unity player settings to com.pikkart.trial
In the player settings (if on Android) make sure Write Permission is set to "External(SDCard)" and Install Location to "Prefer External"

Make sure you have added the marker prefab to the scene with the correct marker ids.

Check the PikkartARCamera inspector and make sure Recognition Storage is set to LOCAL and Recognition Mode is set to CONTINUOUS_SCAN

Make sure you have generate the marker for the correct SDK version.

The "Unable to find PikkartARCore" you are seeing is a small non vital bug that will be solved in the next RC release.
If you see the marker loaded log messages it means the plugin was succesfully loaded and is correctly running.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Thanks! I rechecked all settings and now it is working. My marker is found but the game object (a cube) which is a child of the marker target is not shown. What do I have to do so that my Augmented Contents are shown when the marker is found?

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Support Team  (expert)
Monday, June 26, 2017

Hi Anna,
you just have to put your unity assets as child of the marker as you did and they should appear.

Make sure the obejcts are activated inside the unity editor and they are not part of an invisible layer.

Also make sure the "Static" check box in not set.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Yes I added a Cube as a child object of my marker and it is not hidden.. Unfortunately its still not working...

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